Milwaukee Tool,
HSB Real Estate

“We constantly look for ways to improve our operations and we see AI as a path to a more robust finance organization. We are excited to push the envelope on autonomous PO matching in partnership with Vic.ai. It presents us with a great opportunity to incorporate AI into our business and augment our decision-making.”
Conor Clair, Senior Finance Manager of Accounting

HSB Real Estate

"AI is changing the lives of our employees and how our business works. We saved more than 60,000 hours in year one by automating manual invoice processing with Vic.ai, even while deploying the technology throughout our regional entities."
Fredrik Wiktor, Application Management Lead

Anglin Reichmann Armstrong,
HSB Real Estate

"It is rare that a product lives 100% up to its expectation, but Vic.ai does just that. Simply put, it works, it streamlines the AP process, dramatically improves accuracy, and saves time all across the AP process."
David Bier, COO

HSB Real Estate

"Integrating the Vic.ai AI-enabled invoice processing functionality as a module within the Botkeeper Operating System provide(s) accountants with an end-to-end solution that affords greater levels of scale and efficiency."
Enrico Palmerino, CEO